Academics » Learning Services

Learning Services


Beaufort Academy recognizes that even exceptionally talented students may face challenges to learning. We understand that some students may need additional services in order to fully engage in a meaningful learning experience. Through the use of multi-sensory teaching methods and strategy based instruction, the overall goal of Learning Services is to increase academic success.  BA's Learning Services is available for students who need help with study, organizational, or time-management skills. Depending on the severity of a particular learning difference, appropriate services and/or accommodations may be available.


Early identification of learning challenges and appropriate intervention are important to academic success at BA. If any differences or disabilities previously have been identified, parents should contact Learning Services Specialist, Cheryl Hall at [email protected] prior to a new student's arrival in the fall.

Once a student is at BA, if concern arises about his or her academic performance, a referral will be made, most commonly by an instructor or advisor. The Learning specialist will meet with the student, assess the situation, and lend support as needed. The student's progress will be monitored and further recommendations offered, as necessary.

Testing can provide a clear set of recommendations to the student, family, and the School. In accordance with the findings of a documented evaluation, the director will implement recommendations and/or special accommodations, within the limits of the School's curriculum and resources.
**There are no separate courses of study for students with disabilities or learning differences.


NOTE: Beaufort Academy does not create or accept Individual Educational Plans “IEPs” or other documents mandating special education plans.

Learning Services are included in general tuition fees, and assessing eligibility for Learning Services is a multi-step process. Once a current Psychological-Educational Evaluation Report is submitted by a family and reviewed by the Learning Specialist, the Learning Specialist will meet with the student and family to review the student's needs. The Learning Specialist will determine service eligibility, which is subject to availability and scheduling demands.